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Y3’s Report on their VR Workshop

Everyone wrote their own reports—we have taken bits from several of them:

Today we had a VR Workshop which is when you put on goggles and they took us back to Ancient Rome and we saw the animals they used for gladiator fights. Then we saw the inside of the Colosseum and the people were actually moving!

The workshop was fun but some things could be scary.  In the VR we were floating in the air, it was like you were going to fall.  Loads of people were screaming! We saw rich people’s houses, they had beautiful mosaics on the floor—all different colours like red, blue, brown and orange.  My favourite part was when we were in mid-air and we were going around a volcano.

The VR workshop was one of the best workshops I have ever had. We looked at what Rome looks like today and how it looked when the Romans were there. 

After that we saw what a poor person’s house looked like. A poor person is called a plebeian and the rich people were called patricians.

Thank you to all the teachers who organised this special workshop and thank you to the company with the headsets and all your hard work coming to All Saints’.

By: Hetty, Lockie, Ava, Tanvi, William D, Annie, Jemima and others