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On Monday the 15th, we met Baroness Garden of Frognal in a live meeting. Susan Elizabeth garden supports the Liberal Democrat’s and is Deputy Speaker in the House of Lords. Her husband Lord Garden is also in the House of Lords. The Baroness’s 2 grandsons attended All Saints many years ago. When we were talking to her, she told us that she was really glad that our school is still in good shape.

She kindly let us ask as many questions as we wanted. Some great ones were:

Q Did you always want to be a Baroness?

A No, but I was always interested in education.

Q Do you want to be Prime Minister?

A No, it would be too much work.

Q If there was one thing you could change about the world, what would it be?

A Everyone would have to be kind to each other.

We found the meeting very inspiring and insightful. We got to learn more about her and Parliament. It was a fascinating meeting which was helped by the fact we have been to the Houses of Parliament.

By Lizzy & Isabella—Y6