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‘I liked the Mandir (Hindu Temple) because of all the different food that you could smell and the lovely statues. It was nice to understand and follow the rules of a place of worship.’ Tahlia –Y6

‘I found it interesting when the Imam read some of the Qur'an to us in the mosque. I would recommend this trail to other people as you learn about other's religions.’ Dior—Y6

‘I learnt that in the Hindu temple, the god is dressed in a new dress every day.’ Joseph—Y6

‘I enjoyed being a detective in St Mary's Church and looking for symbols of Christianity.’ Audrey— Y6

‘I liked how soft the carpet was in the Mosque. I would like to hear the Imam sing again.’ Georgia—Y6

‘The priest at St Mary's was really friendly and the big piano had three different keys section.’ Yanna—Y6

‘I learnt that Allah has 99 different names and there is a certain clock to show the times of the prayers in the Mosque.’ Zainab—Y6

‘I found out that Hindus do not eat animals.’ Alex I—Y6

‘St Mary's Church was so big compared to our church.’ Kene—Y6