Eucharist and Other Services
Christian values lie at the heart of daily life at All Saints’ School. We aim to ensure that pupils acquire knowledge and understanding of both Christian and other religious beliefs and practices, and that they develop a spiritual and moral approach to life.
The relationship between our parish church, the local community and All Saints' School is strong and highly valued. All Saints’ Church is regularly used for celebrations by the school, for instance for the monthly Junior (KS2) Eucharist service, our celebration of Holy Communion.
The service, led by members of the local clergy, is both reflective and celebratory. It usually follows the same weekly worship theme that the children follow in the daily collective worship in school, with readings, prayers and collects contributed by children from all years. A talk is also given by a member of the clergy, followed by the sacrament of Holy Communion.
All children who are confirmed, who have been admitted to communion or have taken the ‘Communion before Confirmation’ classes, are welcome to take communion. All other children (of whatever faith) are invited to the front of the church for a blessing. The Eucharist and blessing are both important aspects of the spiritual values we offer as a church school and our life together within the community.
Our Eucharist is open to all members of the school community and we are always delighted when parents, carers and governors join us. As with the children, adults are welcome to take communion or receive a blessing.
The Eucharist usually takes place on a Tuesday morning at 10.00am and dates are published in the school newsletter, on our digital display board in the school foyer and on the website.
The Eucharist is, for all of us, a really special experience. Here are some reflections from Year 3 following their first Eucharist service:
"We all had our blessing from Chris and some children had communion. We enjoyed our first school Eucharist and the best part was sharing a sign of peace to each other."
"The theme for today was differences in people. In Eucharist I learnt that people who are different must be treated the same. The hymns we sung were, Lord Jesus Christ, Hundreds of Sparrows and You shall go out with Joy. I think we sang those songs because Jesus is the same as everyone else because he is still a human, in the world there are hundreds of sparrows that are all different shapes and sizes, and everyone should be let free and be happy."
"The theme of Eucharist today was that everyone is different. I learnt that you should appreciate who you are. My favourite part of Eucharist was singing Glory to God because it was fun!"