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Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section

The Board of Governors

The role of the Board of Governors is to support the staff in setting the ethos and vision of the school, and in deciding its strategic direction.  We also hold the school to account for the educational performance of the pupils, and the performance of staff.  We support and challenge the school to make sure that everyone is safe in school, that all legal requirements are adhered to, and we oversee the financial performance of the school to make sure that money is well spent.

The Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team manage the school on a day-to-day basis. The Board of Governors has an important strategic role to oversee the direction and leadership of the school, for which they are legally accountable.  They meet altogether once every half-term, as well as in smaller committees to look at specific areas of responsibility and to monitor the work of the school.

The Board of Governors comprises volunteers who are either appointed or elected by the group they represent;  Foundation governors are appointed by the Parish of Putney PCC and the Diocese of Southwark; parent governors are elected by the parent body, staff elect 1 governor, the Local Authority appoint 1 governor and 2 governors are co-opted by the Board of Governors.  The Headteacher and Incumbent are ex-officio governors.

All governors are encouraged to be active members of the school community, and we are proud to celebrate all the achievements of pupils and staff at All Saints’.  However, we are ambitious, and we want to maintain and develop even further the very high standards of our school and ensure that children achieve their potential by learning within an exciting, challenging and caring environment.  We aim to embrace the challenges of the future within our vision for All Saints’, which focuses on the following:

  • All Saints’ School puts faith and community at its heart
  • All Saints’ School strives to achieve the best possible learning and physical environment for all pupils
  • All Saints’ School fosters intellectual curiosity and engagement of pupils in areas besides the requirements of formal exam testing, equipping them fully for life in the 21st century.

If you would like any further information about our role, or the work of the governors please do not hesitate to contact us through the email: 

The Board of Governors

Mrs Joanne Ghosh (Headteacher)

Rev'd Dr Daniel Trott (Vicar & Ex-Officio)

Mrs Pat Ashworth (Foundation Governor & Chair)

Mr Simon Oddie (Co-opted Governor & Vice Chair)

Mr Robert Wilson (Foundation Governor)

Ms Madeline Knights (Foundation Governor)

Ms Alex Millbrook (Foundation Governor)

Mr Kim Williams (Foundation Governor)

Dr Aryan Jogiya (Foundation Governor)

Mrs Kate Innes (Foundation Governor)

Ms Kate Luscombe (Foundation Governor)

Mrs Svanitha Barlow (Parent Governor)

Mrs Amelia Le May (Staff Governor)

Ms Jacynth Bennett (Local Authority Governor)

Mr James Burn (Parent Governor)