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Our Curriculum 

At All Saints' our curriculum is driven by our vision: Confident Futures.  We encapsulate it in our mission statement: Inspiring and enabling each other, through our Christian values, to flourish and be outstanding in everything we do.

We want our children to be confident and Resilient to face the future and to be productive members of a modern Britain. We insist on and embed Respect wherever we can, in the way that we treat others in our school, our wider community and the rest of the world. We teach children to follow the example of Kindness which Jesus gave us so that they develop into compassionate and caring children who love all people, regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religion or non-religion, beliefs, and sexual orientation. 

We want all of the children in our care to flourish in a safe, nurturing environment. We want them to develop a real love and thirst for learning which will remain with them for their entire lives. We believe that an exciting, broad curriculum is essential for children to be inspired. We work hard to make our curriculum irresistible and inclusive for all. We create many memorable learning experiences during their time with us. We want children to be safe as they engage with an increasingly online world and do all we can to enable them to make the right choices. 

Children's journey starts with the important bedrock of Early Years in our ecumenical nursery, ensuring all children have the best possible start. Through topic based learning children learn to make links with the rest of their learning. Through the use of quality and inspiring texts, we ensure that children have a real purpose and stimulus for writing.  Great importance is placed upon providing real life enrichment opportunities for all. These include day visits to a range of places including Fulham Palace, The Chelsea Physic Gardens and the River Thames, regular trips to museums, galleries, places of worship, and residential visits for Year 4 to Year 6. 

We encourage our children to develop ‘courageous advocacy’ for those less fortunate than themselves through a range of involvement with charitable organisations, e.g. teaming up with the Parish of Putney to support our local Foodbank, as well as being willing helpers for our community Christian Aid Carwash during Christian Aid week.   

Children's sense of self-efficacy is developed from the start through School Council, Pupil Faith Group, Classroom Monitors, Playground Friends, Anti-bullying Ambassadors, Digital Leaders as well as our Y6 House Captains and Vice Captains, all of which provide children with a real opportunity for experiencing responsibility and being effective role models.

 We follow a number of frameworks to support our learning for example:

  • We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised phonics programme right from the start of Nursery.
  • There is an emphasis on explicit vocabulary instruction and understanding meaning in all lessons.
  • In English we use the Literacy Tree Scheme, using a range of texts which we have carefully selected for our own context.
  • We believe strongly in the mastery approach and use a number of resources including White Rose Maths.
  • We have a specialist music teacher and specialist sports coach who both teach all children in the school as well as providing extra-curricular opportunities beyond the school day.
  • Online safety is taught through the Computing Curriculum and our RSE/PSHE lessons
  • We actively promote good mental health and emotional wellbeing through the PATHS Programme and our PSHE lessons.  We employ three Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) to support children and have a proactive approach to encouraging children to talk about their worries. 

By the time children leave All Saints' and transition to Secondary Education, we aim for them to be confident Year Sixes who show kindness, respect, resilience and the appropriate maturity for the next stage of their educational career. We aim for them to have a sense of self-worth and for them to understand their uniqueness. 


What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.  If you require any additional curriculum information, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.