The School Day
Children attend the nursery for 15 hours per week: those in the first half of the week do full days on Monday, Tuesday (9.00am to 3.15pm) and on Wednesday a half day, (9.00am to 11.30am). For the second half of the week the children start at 12.45pm to 3.15pm on the Wednesday and then do full days on Thursday and Friday (9.00am to 3.15pm). Full-time places (30 hours) attend from 9.00am-3.15pm Monday to Friday.
Reception to Y6:
Infants |
Juniors |
8:45am to 8.55am children come in |
8:45am to 8:55am children come in |
10.45am - break |
10.45am - break |
12.00 noon - lunch break |
12.30pm - lunch break |
1.15pm – start of afternoon session which includes an afternoon breaktime |
1.30pm – start of afternoon session |
3:30pm – parents collect children from classroom doors |
3:30pm – parents collect from the Junior Playground |
Total hours provided in a typical week = 32.5 hours